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Only good fun with me

Only good fun with me

Samira: heeej, Outdoors I am a decent woman but in my home, I love to play the slut… Normally I do it a bit more cautio...

City: Gisborne (Gisborne Region)

Someone who just loves to fuck

Someone who just loves to fuck

Felicia2 : We are all born sexual creatures but it’s a pity so many people despise fucking for the fun of it. I want to em...

City: Auckland (Auckland Region)

A lot to learn still

A lot to learn still

SnappyPinky: I still have a lot to learn. Of course, I am not a virgin anymore and I know that I still cannot call myself an exper...

City: Christchurch (Canterbury Region)

I don’t like when it gets awkwats

I don’t like when it gets awkwats

Dimples1: I’m still a virgin and I want to know what it feels like to have a man inside of me. I’m really curious a...

City: Upper Hutt (Wellington Region)

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